Oct. 5 Webinar: How to Apply for Nonprofit COVID Relief Grants from the County of Kern & City of Bakersfield

To help our hard-working nonprofits weather this unprecedented storm, the City and County have partnered to make grant funding available to support agencies that:
- Have been financially impacted by COVID-19, and
- Have not received funding from the Kern Recovers Forgivable Loan Program. (Agencies that have received other Federal or State support might still be eligible to apply.)
Funding for the Kern Recovers Nonprofit Grant Program comes from Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Relief Funds allocated by the Bakersfield City Council and Kern County Board of Supervisors.
Individual grant awards are $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000.
To help potential applicants navigate the application process, Kern Community Foundation will host an hour-long Informational Webinar on Monday, Oct. 5, at 12 Noon.
With participation from knowledgeable City and County Personnel, the webinar will address:
- General information about the application process and qualifying criteria;
- Detailed information about required documentation;
- Testimonials from recent recipients of this funding;
- Information about additional technical assistance opportunities Kern Community Foundation will offer at least through the end of this year as part of our Nonprofit Strengthening Initiative;
- Q&A.
The application period for this grant program has been extended to Thursday, October 15, after which all applications will be reviewed for funding and grant awards will be made.
To RSVP for this webinar:
Please write to info@kernfoundation.org by NOON Friday, Oct. 2nd. A Zoom link will be shared only with those who RSVP. Please include your Name, Title, and the Agency you represent.
Feel free to E-mail Louis@Kernfoundation.org
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