Everyone can be a philanthropist. At Kern Community Foundation, we’re committed to making it easy to find, learn about and give to the causes you care about most. Discover the impact local nonprofits have on our community with our comprehensive nonprofit database. Search for your organization of choice and find information to help you make the most of your charitable gift.
Girl Scouts of Central California South
Mission:To build girls with courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Global Family Care Network
Mission:To protect and restore young at risk girls through girls’ empowerment clubs and a homeless/runaway youth shelter.
Golden Empire Affordable Housing, Inc.
Mission:Provide a shortened mission statement in 20 words or less (150 characters). This mini mission statement will be listed in the next issue of our Community Giving Guide as well as in our online Nonprofit Search. Expanding Affordable Housing in Kern County
Golden Empire Gleaners
Mission:To help alleviate hunger in Kern County
Golden Empire Youth Tackle Football & Cheer
Mission:To provide a safe and educational training ground for the fundamentals of youth football and cheer, to develop sound mind, body and character.
Goodwill Industries of South Central California
Mission:To provide work opportunities and skills development to people with barriers to employment.
Got Ur 6
Mission:To promote the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and economic wellbeing of all citizens of Boron and surrounding areas. To empower all.
Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance
Mission:To promote social change and justice by providing high quality legal services to the low-income community.
Gridstone Inc.
Mission:We focus positive efforts for our community by offering food distribution services, free educational tutoring and Advance Learning for students K-12