Give Big Kern Report to the Community – 2019: The Year B-i-i-i-g Dreams Came True!

Celebrate with Kern Community Foundation our BIGGEST Give Big Kern Online Day of Giving to date by reading our latest Give Big Kern Report to the Community – 2019: The Year B-i-i-i-g Dreams Came True!”

Click on either the hyperlink above or the photo at left to access a downloadable copy.

In it you will find an analysis of this year’s accomplishments, the reasons for our runaway success, a listing of competitive and opportunity drawing prize winners, a map showing how Give Big Kern lit up the globe with giving (Gracias! Merci! Obrigado! Shukraan Lakum! Dankie!), quotes from grateful participating nonprofits, trends in social media and online giving, an acknowledgment of our sponsors, what’s coming up next year, and more!

Please share it with others–especially nonprofits. Also, save the date for next year’s Give Big Kern, when, festively, Kern’s Online Day of Giving falls on Cinco de Mayo (May 5)!

And as our Mascot, Billy the Give Big Goat, likes to say, “Happy r-e-e-e-a-a-d-i-n-g!”

(For more information on Give Big Kern, please visit