November is National Hospice Month, and Hoffmann Hospice invites our Kern County community to celebrate with us!
Here’s an easy way to show your support: Join us at Chipotle at 10510 Stockdale Hwy in Bakersfield on Tuesday, November 9th anytime between 5:00pm to 9:00pm, and a portion of your purchase will go to support our mission to celebrate the sanctity of life, provide compassionate end-of-life care, and comfort the grieving.
Just tell the cashier you’re supporting Hoffmann Hospice, and 33% of the proceeds will be donated, OR you can order online ( or through the Chipotle app) for pickup using code 2KYYF6V before checkout in ‘promo’ field to have your purchase counted towards the fundraiser.
Need help getting connected to community resources? One of our Connected Community Network Coordinators will connect you to the resources you request.