Bakersfield Recovery Services: Multi-Service Center Services

Parenting Classes:

Beginning January 23 & 24. 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM. 40-week court approved. No Fee. Every week. This is a reoccurring class.

Financial Education:

“How Money Works” This is a one-day class and last about 45 minutes. At this time, we are organizing a monthly co-hort.

Kern County Public Health Mobile Health Clinic: 

Beginning January 18 the MSC will partner with the mobile health clinic on a monthly basis for the 3rd Thursday of every month. 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

Parenting Kit Distribution: 

The MSC has begun to distribute kits for new parents. 

Referral Services:

If there is a service that an individual needs that the MSC doesn’t provide we have partnered with a platform to submit referrals to other organizations in the community to meet the needs of the individual.

Job Development Workspace: 

Computer Literacy, soft skills training, resume preparation, mock interviewing, and customer relations training.

Supervised CPS Visits: 

Clients can request to have their visits moved to the center. 

**Sign-ups have begun for all program services. Individuals will need to come to the center to register. An ID is not needed.**